The Complete Sales & Marketing Toolkit Anyone Can Use
The capabilities to succeed
If you are not achieving your true sales potential, it’s easy to focus on sales performance, but often this is not the root cause of underachievement. There are other inter-connected factors that hold you back.
In this foundation course you’ll learn how to identify and overcome them to achieve your true potential.
Strong and sustainable sales growth
Intelligent selling is the process of uniquely solving business problems.
This course has a proven sales methodology and process at it’s heart to help you achieve your true B2B sales potential. It’s called Navigator© and it’s based on the B2B sales success I’ve achieved over decades.
Create your unique value proposition
It’s hard to succeed today because there’s so much competition for attention. What’s needed is a more intelligent approach to creating clear, concise and compelling messages that attract attention and build trust in your brand. Without this you are invisible and you can’t succeed. Message Stack© is a powerful and proven structure that will guide you through the process of creating your own unique value proposition.
Change thinking and motivate action
StorySelling combines writing and delivering the story around your product, service or idea. It’s for anyone who has a desire to share information and influence thinking by communicating in a way that grabs attention and motivates action.
It contains proven processes and techniques to guide you through the entire process of creating and presenting your story in a way that will captivate any audience.
Plan and execute your success
To succeed you need a market with good long term growth potential. Stagnant, saturated or declining markets are not good, unless you can revolutionise them with your brilliant new product or service idea.
When you’ve found it, you’ll then need to identify your buyers and be clear about how you satisfy their needs better than anyone else.