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Purposeful Photography

Why bother to take photographs anymore? Does anyone even care? Does the world need to see another amazing sunrise, sunset, storm cloud?

The answer is almost certainly a resounding NO!

There are literally BILLIONS of images swirling around the internet. So why bother to add to that unimaginable number?

These are thoughts that have been playing on my mind for a while now.

I’ve been making photographs for a long time, from the days of film canisters to the marvels of today’s digital cameras. But with the rise of everyone wielding a camera and the internet overflowing with images, I found myself creatively stuck.

This existential crisis sent me back to my roots. In the 1970s, I studied Psychology and Philosophy, fields that have always fascinated me, exploring the human condition. Then, in late 2023, while revisiting the works of Kant, Nietzsche, and Camus, a lightbulb moment struck.

The answer wasn’t in fancier equipment or chasing the next viral trend. It was about meaning.

This is where Purposeful Photography comes in. It’s about intention, mindfulness, and crafting images that resonate on a deeper level. It’s not just about capturing a place you visited or a plate of food (although those can be fun too!). Purposeful photography goes beyond the snapshot, aiming to tell a story, evoke emotion, raise awareness and express a vision.

Images can weave a narrative, inviting viewers to connect and imagine the scene beyond the frame. By infusing your photographs with personal expression, you can also create a connection that lingers in the viewer’s mind.

Photography can also be a powerful tool to bring attention to social issues or environmental concerns. And it can also allow you to share your unique perspective with the world.

The Pillars of Purposeful Photography

It’s not difficult to engage in purposeful photography and there are three things you need to do.

1. Intention: This means having a clear purpose behind your image, such as documenting a cause, expressing a personal sentiment, or simply capturing a fleeting moment in a meaningful way.

2. Mindfulness: Be present and think about the creative choices you want to make on composition, lighting, and subject. Just doing this will elevate your images from snapshots to meaningful captures.

3. Growth and Self-Discovery: Refining your vision and exploring the boundaries of purposeful photography, will help your personal growth and artistic development.

It’s a Journey, Not a Destination

Purposeful photography isn’t about achieving perfection; it’s about a thoughtful and deliberate approach to image-making. By embracing these principles, you can create photographs that not only capture the eye but also touch the soul, sparking conversations and fostering deeper connections with your audience.

P.S. As a psychology and philosophy buff, I’m always intrigued by how these fields influence my photography. In future posts, I’ll delve deeper into how these areas inform my purposeful approach.