My story … so far

I’m John Rees and I write about Personal Growth and Wellness. This includes Purpose, Self-Discovery, Life Experience and Wisdom.

I don’t profess to know all the answers, although I do know many of the questions! I’m also not offering instant fixes to problems we all face at times in our lives. I’m sharing experience and wisdom to hopefully help you make good decisions.

My own experience spans 50 years of adult life.  By adult, I mean since I left university in 1975 at the age of 21. Like millions of other young people, I faced countless challenges.  Some I overcame, others derailed me. But my ‘successes’ didn’t happen by design or through any deliberate strategy; it was mainly through trial and error. But I learned so many valuable lessons.

45 years in business development in the tech sector taught me so much. I worked with global corporations like HP, IBM and SAP. I also worked with fast growth startups. I was extensively trained on how to build great relationships; how to communicate and manage people to achieve their true potential; and how to approach problems in the right way. For 15 years I ran my own performance consulting business and in early 2024 I decided to follow a different path and here I am!

I learned that when things go badly, it’s pointless feeling sorry for yourself or blaming others. You can’t control everything that happens, but you can control how you think and react. And it’s that mindset that I write about.

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